Wellness is a process, not a static state. We can mistakenly think that an absence of physical symptoms is a sign of good health. This may mean you are at the neutal point illustrated above. However, you may have challenges that are causing overwhelm, anxiety or simply be unhappy with your life (facing left). You may be unwell but taking steps to create purpose and meaning and although you are physically unwell, you are facing the wellness end of the continuum.
Take the simple quiz below to help you determine your direction.
Rate the statements: 1-5
5=perfect 4-2=could use improvement 1=time for change
The pupose of this quiz is to increase your self-knowledge, not to create shame or judgment. If you rated yourself 1-4 in several categories, you may be facing the red zone.
If you discovered it's time for a change, click below to set up a complimentary phone consultation.